清水寺 - Kiyomizudera (Kyoto) Aprile 2010
箱根, 紅葉 (Hakone), Novembre 2010
富士山、江ノ島から (Monte Fuji da Enoshima), Dicembre 2010
日光, 輪王寺 - Rinno-ji (Nikko), Giugno 2010
清水寺 - Kiyomizudera (Kyoto)
Kyoto, giardino del Kinkaku-ji
増上寺 - Zojo-ji
日光, 輪王寺 (Nikko) Rinno-ji


mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010 6:19 PM scritto da Micchan in ,

Salsa di soia cristallizzata. Dal Nikon International Small World Competition.

26 October 1985

11:07 AM scritto da Micchan in

Annie Hall

domenica 24 ottobre 2010 3:14 PM scritto da Micchan in ,

Quote from the very end of the movie:

"After that it got pretty late, and we both had to go, but it was great seeing Annie again. I... I realized what a terrific person she was, and... and how much fun it was just knowing her; and I... I, I thought of that old joke, y'know, the, this... this guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doc, uh, my brother's crazy; he thinks he's a chicken." And, uh, the doctor says, "Well, why don't you turn him in?" The guy says, "I would, but I need the eggs." Well, I guess that's pretty much now how I feel about relationships; y'know, they're totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd, and... but, uh, I guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us... need the eggs. "

Arrivederci, Italia

sabato 23 ottobre 2010 11:44 AM scritto da Micchan in

Articolo del Time della settimana scorsa sulla costante emigrazione di giovani dall'Italia

Time: Arrivederci, Italia

e articolo di Repubblica sullo stesso argomento

Repubblica: Emigranti italiani