Nuovo film di Nolan da non perdere per nessuna ragione al mondo.
Ellen Page, una delle protagoniste insieme ad un sempre piu' incredibile Leonardo di Caprio, lo definisce cosi' sul LA Times:
“There’s a tangible realism even when it gets crazy, and somehow that makes the jeopardy feel more real. It’s like reading a Haruki Murakami novel — it’s fantasy, but instead of feeling like some strange surreal world it feels very honest. The emotional spine of the story is there too, which is the key to his movies. There’s the big scale, but the sincerity isn’t left behind. The story is complicated but never confusing.”
Commento del regista Nolan:
“I always find myself gravitating to the analogy of a maze. Think of film noir and if you picture the story as a maze, you don’t want to be hanging above the maze watching the characters make the wrong choices because it’s frustrating. You actually want to be in the maze with them, making the turns at their side, that keeps it more exciting…I quite like to be in that maze.”